We’re seeking the Spirit—
Who We Are
Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting is a spiritual community of 17 Monthly Meetings in Indiana, Kentucky, and southwestern Ohio.
A Yearly Meeting is the central organizing unit of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) with no larger body exercising authority over it. The Yearly Meeting ties the Monthly Meetings together and exists as a support organization to those Monthly Meetings.

Yes, we’re still around. The broad-brimmed hats and bonnets are totally optional, though. Every local meeting is unique, but generally we belong to the “liberal” branch of the Quaker family tree. We are affiliated with Friends General Conference.
What We Believe
We hold as the basis of our faith the belief that divine truth and the gift of God’s presence are available to all people in all ages. The indwelling presence of God implies the equal worth of all members of the human family and the capacity in all to discern spiritual truth and to hold direct communion with the Divine Spirit.
Because we experience that the Divine lies deeper than words, we have no formal creed. What binds us together as a spiritual community is not uniformity of belief, but rather our sense of a common journey on a shared path, seeking the guidance of the Light.