OVYM Social Action Coordinator Position

Please submit application materials using this form (requires Google log-in) or email your cover letter, resume, and references to Rachel Ernst Stahlhut by October 15, 2024.


The Social Action Coordinator’s (hereafter SAC) primary responsibility is to empower, support, cross-fertilize, and encourage social action work being done by Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (hereafter OVYM) monthly meetings and individuals. The coordinator will facilitate communication and connections between monthly meetings and social activists.


  • Contact all monthly meetings in OVYM to describe the services the coordinator is providing; to get information on interests, issues, and actions within the monthly meetings; and to get a sense of needs and dreams. “Contact” might necessitate e-mail, phone calls, online meetings, or in-person visits, depending upon the meetings.
  • Create and maintain a contact list of monthly meeting social action committees and individuals.
  • Keep an up-to-date record of current social action being carried out by OVYM monthly meetings or by individuals within an OVYM monthly meeting.
  • Facilitate communication between monthly meetings regarding current activities and new leadings.
  • Create issue-specific mailing lists to provide information on action plans to interested OVYM members.
  • Widely share a Social Action Coordinator phone number and an e-mail address provided by the yearly meeting.
  • Help get the word out quickly for urgent action plans.
  • Organize one meeting for OVYM social activists in conjunction with the yearly meeting annual sessions.
  • Facilitate regular online and/or in-person meetings as broad interest demands, to connect social action committees and others within the yearly meeting. The purpose of these meetings would be to:
    • foster interpersonal relationships between Friends engaged in social action in the monthly meetings
    • share information on existing activities
    • provide an opportunity for participants to describe their ongoing work and new ideas, and invite collaboration between monthly meetings
    • report on successes and failures
    • discuss new initiatives
    • solicit help and advice from other monthly meetings
  • Share minutes of conscience from monthly meetings with other monthly meetings, the yearly meeting and beyond.
  • Report on current activities and needs to the wider OVYM membership.
  • Submit an article to The Quaker Quill three times per year.
  • Submit announcements on the OVYM website.
  • Report to each OVYM Executive Committee meeting.
  • Post regularly to the OVYM Facebook page or send announcements to the OVYM administrative assistant for posting.
  • Submit a report in advance for yearly meeting sessions.


  1. Familiarity with the Religious Society of Friends is required.
  2. The successful candidate must show proof of automobile insurance, including liability for personal automobile, to OVYM Treasurer and at a level of liability as designated by OVYM.
  3. The SAC must have a computer, internet access, and be able to host Zoom meetings.


An average of 20 hours per month.

The SAC shall be paid on a flat amount monthly, $349.00 per month. OVYM agrees to pay this monthly fee based on a total of 240 hours in annual service. It is expected that the number of hours worked in each month will vary. The SAC is required to work during annual sessions of the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting.


The yearly meeting will reimburse for all expenses incurred in this work. Travel will be reimbursed per the OVYM policy for travel expenses.


Review of applications will begin October 15, 2024, and continue until the position is filled.