This page is for short updates from across our Yearly Meeting membership—individuals, committees, or other groups. We will also share news from other Quaker organizations from time to time.
Be sure to check out our quarterly newsletter, the Quaker Quill, for more news. Events hosted by Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting can be found on the Events page. You can also follow us on Facebook.
Want to receive e-mail about OVYM events, publications, or proposals? You can sign up or change your e-mail preferences here.
Want to see when committees are meeting? Check out our OVYM calendar. Want to add something to the calendar? Contact the OVYM office.
Welcome Announcement
Hello Friends!
As noted in the introduction above, this new space on the website is meant for sharing updates that may be of interest to OVYM Friends. If you have something you’d like to share, you can email our Administrative Assistant, Susan Lee Barton, or use the form on this page.
For less time-sensitive news, consider sending a submission to Cecilia Shore for inclusion in the next edition of the Quaker Quill.
– Daniel Day,
OVYM Website Administrator
OVYM Social Action Coordinator
Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting now has a Social Action Coordinator. Please welcome Sandy Felt (Dayton Meeting) to our small OVYM staff! You can reach her through e-mail ( and by phone: (937) 315-1609.
Beware of fraudulent e-mail
Always check the “from” address on your e-mail. E-mail from the clerk or administrative assistant should come from If you receive any requests for gift cards for OVYM, please report as fraud and delete. If you find any other e-mail claiming to be from OVYM suspicious, please feel free to call our clerk or administrative assistant to check it out.
To report fraudulent e-mail using a gmail address, you can use this form.
Save the Date: OVYM Spring Retreat
from our Religious Nurture and Education Committee
March 28, 5:30pm – March 29, 4:00pm
Everyday Spiritual Discernment, led by Elizabeth Terney See The Quaker Quill or our events page for more information.
Whitewater Quarterly Meeting Date Change
The April meeting of WWQ has been changed to April 27, 2025 (same day as Miami Quarterly Meeting). Location still to be determined.
Woodbrooke Quaker Learning Centre: Did you know that Woodbrooke (in England) offers an ongoing wide selection of courses on Quaker topics? In-person and online. Varying fees.
French Quaker Centre seeking Resident Friends
The Centre Quaker de Congenies in the South of France is seeking Resident Friends for a flexible start date in late 2025. Applicants need to demonstrate both French and English language skills. Enjoy the region, the gardens, and international guests. For details please go to
World Quaker Day!
What did your meeting do on World Quaker Day 2024? Friends World Committee for Consultation would appreciate notes and pictures to let them know. Also, if you haven’t already, please read and consider the epistle from the World Plenary Meeting in August. Epistle of the World Plenary Meeting 2024 – FWCC
Want to see when committees are meeting? Check out our OVYM calendar. Want to add something to the calendar? Contact the OVYM office.