Event Details

Workshop: Coming Alive – Deep Joy and the Heart of Earthcare


1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Location: Earlham College CVPA Room 150

Join new Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) General Secretary Keith Runyan and our OVYM representative to the QEW Steering Committee, Allen McGrew, as we come together to explore the heart of Earthcare through song, dance, poetry, and love. In a time of growing and well-justified environmental grief and anxiety we will explore together how living into right relationship with each other and the Earth can transmute grief and anxiety into joyful purpose and community with the human and extra-human world. Participants are invited to bring with them a small talisman (a stone, a shell, a dried flower, a photograph of a cherished memory, or something else) that embodies their gratitude for the Living world and their hopes for future generations.

Please arrive early to take advantage of this great opportunity! Bring your talisman of relationship to the living world and be prepared to share how it represents your gratitude or hopes for future generations. Teens welcome!

Keith Runyan is a Quaker changemaker, visionary, and activist born and raised in Pacific Yearly Meeting in Northern California. In 2018, Keith undertook a 12 day hunger strike while travelling in the ministry to bolster awareness and action on the climate crisis and environmental justice. Since that time, Keith has worked as an educator, activist-organizer, researcher, and podcaster - becoming sought after as a panelist and speaker in the West Coast Quaker World.

In his home life, Keith is a guitarist, singer, adventurer, and loving partner of his sweetie, Nora, and proud new father to baby Juniper.