1671 Nagel Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45255
Contact Information
Mailing Address
PO Box 54565
Cincinnati, OH 45424-0565
JP Lund
Worship Details
10:00 Sundays
EHFM meets at 10:00 am in person and via Zoom. We now ask everyone to wear a mask only during singing at the beginning of worship. Unprogrammed worship commences with masked hymn singing. We also request that those who are not fully vaccinated and boosted wear a mask at all times in the meetinghouse. In keeping with the testimony of integrity, we accept your word about your vaccination status. A Zoom link for meeting for worship may be obtained by emailing the clerk JP Lund. Please request the link at least 24 hours prior to meeting for worship.
Meetings for Business: Fourth Sunday of the month, following an after-worship meal.