Hosted by Louisville Friends Meeting (via Zoom)
24 April 2022
Participants included: Judy Burris, Lisa Cayard, Jolene Curry, Karen Francis, Peter Hardy (presiding clerk), Bruce Heckman, David Hyde, Susan Hyde, Doug Jones, Deborah Jordan, JP Lund, Connie McNeely, Richard Mitchell, Betsy Neal, Steve Olshewsky (acting recording clerk), Jeanette Rockwell, Cecilia Shore, Barry Zalph,
After a Meeting for Worship with Louisville Friends Meeting, lunch and social time included identifying a list of possible Friends to serve as a recording clerk and a new presiding clerk.
At 1:15, the meeting united on having co-clerks.
From 1:40 to 2:20, break-out rooms were utilized to facilitate three smaller groups discussing three State of the Meeting Reports each.
From 2:20 to 2:50, the smaller groups reported to the full group items to be lifted up in celebration from the State of the Meeting Reports.
After a break from 2:50 to 3:00, Miami Quarterly Meeting began a Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.
The clerk screen shared an agenda which was accepted.
The Third Query from Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting’s Faith & Practice (2020) was read:
What helps me seek divine guidance in business meeting? How does our meeting seek and follow the group’s spiritual discernment in our meetings for business?
One vocal ministry in response to the query shared that a liberal use of silence and being unhurried helped both individuals and meetings. Also, someone serving as an elder can help.
A roll call of representatives identified:
Community – Deborah Jordan
Eastern Hills – JP Lund
Lexington – Richard Mitchell
Louisville – Barry Zalph
Miami – Jeanette Rockwell
Oxford – Karen Francis
Yellow Springs – Bruce Heckman
Richard Mitchell was Nominated & Approved as a co-clerk with Peter continuing as the other co-clerk until such time as a replacement for Peter might be found. Peter will contact the Monthly Meeting representatives asking them to explore the willingness to serve of those previously identified (per above) as a potential co-clerk and recording clerk.
Peter reported on two Clerks Meetings occurring via Zoom since Miami Quarter’s last Meeting, one of which Rachel Ernst (OVYM’s presiding clerk) was able to attend.
The Minute Approved at Miami Quarter’s last Meeting objecting to the sale of Confederate flags and regalia at Levi Coffin Days was forwarded by the clerk in letters to the Fountain City Lions Club who sponsor Levi Coffin Days, and to Bill Coffin who originally requested support in this matter. Although the Lions Club did not respond, Bill’s letter in response was read by the clerk to report that the Lions Club has made a clear rule against such sales, and that an ally has been invited to participate on the planning committee for future events.
Peter shared details about OVYM’s upcoming Annual Session at Mount St Joseph University. Registration should be open in a week. The theme will be: Embrace the Healing Power of Community. This theme seemed to resonate with the clear thread of community running through our State of the Meeting Reports. Angela Hopkins of the Friends Committee for Racial Justice, and Gloria Stearns-Bruner of Bloomington Meeting will be the plenary speakers. Those able (based on age) will be required to be fully vaccinated to attend.
The preceding Clerk’s Report was Accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report was screen-shared and Accepted. Although the treasurer, Veronica Frost was unable to attend, she submitted her Report in advance. The balances of four funds were noted. Work anticipated, an additional trustee being added, and a related report to the Miami Quarter was discussed regarding Green Plain.
The next Quarterly Meeting is the 16th of October. Is it too soon to make a decision if this should be a Joint Quarterly Meeting? Should we reserve a location, and if so, when? The clerk invited Friends to check back in on these questions as led in June and July with a decision to be made possibly in August.
These Minutes were read and Approved at 3:50 before entering into a period of silence.
– Respectfully submitted by the acting recording clerk.