Whitewater Quarter – Tenth Month 2021

Whitewater Quarterly Meeting
Tenth Month (October) 17, 2021
Held Virtually on Zoom as part of Joint Quarterly Meeting

1. Presiding Clerk, Christine Carver, read from OVYM Faith and Practice (pages 69-70)

The quarterly meeting is designed to bring together for inspiration and counsel a larger group, and to consider more varied interests than any single meeting embraces. It is composed of constituent monthly meetings, each of which shall appoint one or more representatives to attend it. Its form of organization should be similar to that of the monthly meeting. It is to receive and forward reports from monthly meetings to the yearly meeting. It may hold property and trusts, and appoint for  specific services committees over which it shall have original and final jurisdiction. Its most helpful function should be to aid and encourage the monthly meetings composing it to greater interest and service , and to give its members an increasing vision of the truth. It should be diligent in seeking opportunities to gather together groups which may be organized into meetings, and should always be ready to help monthly meetings whenever they ask for advice or assistance.

2. The Meeting settled in to a time of waiting worship.

3. The Meeting reviewed and approved the agenda.
Peggy Squires asked to add discussion of the anti nuclear weapons minute.

4. Roll Call of Monthly Meeting Representatives
Bloomington Friends Meeting, Bloomington, IN: Christine Carver
Clear Creek Friends Meeting, Richmond, IN: not present
Fall Creek Friends Meeting, Pendleton, IN: not present
Fort Wayne Friends Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN: Terre Holada
Lafayette Friends Meeting, N. Lafayette, IN: not present
North Meadow Circle of Friends, Indianapolis, IN: Dinah Duvall
White Rose Friends Meeting, Marion, IN: not present

5. Introductions
David Duvall, North Meadow Circle of Friends (Indianapolis)
DInah Duvall, North Meadow Circle of Friends (Indianapolis)
Christine Carver, Bloomington Meeting
Gini Emigh, Bloomington Meeting
Terre Holada, Fort Wayne Meeting
Bob Holada, Fort Wayne Meeting
Rex Sprouse, Bloomington Meeting
Elaine Caldwell Emmi, Bloomington Meeting
Phil Emmi, Bloomington Meeting
Mike Fallahay, North Meadow Circle of Friends (Indianapolis)
Peggy Squires, Bloomington Meeting
Eric Hailperin-Lausch, North Meadow Circle of Friends (Indianapolis)

6. Treasurers Report
The treasurer reported the Quarterly Meeting’s account contains $518.54 and there is one  $50.00 check to be deposited. The planners of the Joint Quarterly Meeting (Peter Hardy and Christine Carver) will discuss Honoraria for Workshop presenters, Mary Ann Percy, Gloria Stearns-Bruner and  Jennifer Elam. The Quarter authorizes the planners to use our funds to pay Whitewater’s share of the Honoraria that the planners deem appropriate. Monthly meetings are encouraged to contribute $50.00 annually to support Quarterly Meeting activities. Write checks to North Meadow Circle of Friends with “Whitewater Quarter” on the  memo line. Mail them to WWQM treasurer, David Duvall, 7811 Kimlough Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

7. In December and January monthly meetings may want to consider beginning preparation of the State of the Meeting reports for 2021 in consultation with their members and attenders by preparing queries to guide this self-assessment process. Pages 50-51 of the OVYM Faith and Practice are the Queries that apply to the State of the Meeting Reports.

8. Inspiration discussion. We will have those in attendance share what personal or meeting practices they are using to “…gain an increasing vision of the truth.”. Ideas are listed below.

  • Bloomington is engaging Daniel Mudd, M. Div. to lead a workshop based on Rex Ambler’s research into the spiritual practices of early Friends. Rex Ambler had developed practices called Experiment with Light. These can be done individually or with a group. Salt Lake friends did a year long workshop. Rex’s book The End of Words is highly recommended. Experiment with Light started in Great Britain. Friends with further interest may look into a website (experiment-with-light.org.uk) and Facebook  page( Experiment with Light). North American Monthly Zoom Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Experiment with Light could be revitalizing for Monthly Meetings.
  • OVYM Executive Committee Meeting reported that Steve Angell has prepared a talk on Sarah Mapps Douglass (1806-1882), African-American Friend. Could Steve do his talk virtually? That way several Meetings could join together to hear the talk.

9. The Minute in opposition to  Nuclear Weapons was accepted by Whitewater Quarterly Meeting and Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting. This Minute was sent to all Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky US Senators and the President of the US. This would be a good time to reach out as individuals to our lawmakers. OVYM minutes of the 2021 annual sessions is a good source for the full text of the minute. The Annual Session Minutes of the OVYM are on the OVYM website and were mailed in printed form to each Monthly Meeting. Peggy Squires can provide a template for letters to the editor.

Whitewater Quarterly Meeting united to ask individual Friends to deliver this minute to US Representatives in their district.  Dinah Duvall will deliver to Rep Victoria Spartz. Christine Carver and Peggy Squires will deliver this minute to Rep Trey Hollingsworth. Terre Holada will deliver the minute to Rep. Jim Banks. Mike Fallahay will deliver it to Rep. Andre Carson. Christine will reach out to Meetings not represented today to see if someone is willing to contact their US representative.

10. The next Quarterly Meeting will be held on the First Month (January) 16, 2022 and will be hosted by Fall Creek Meeting..Christine Carver will confirm the January 2022 date with Fall Creek.

The April Quarterly Meeting  falls on Easter. The Quarterly Meeting united to move it to April 24th and the location to be determined. (Ft. Wayne?)

11. The Meeting reviewed and approved Meeting minutes.

12. The Meeting closed with a period of  waiting worship.

Respectfully submitted by Recording Clerk,  Eric Hailperin-Lausch
Presiding Clerk Christine Carver


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