The work of our Yearly Meeting is planned, organized, and accomplished by committees that provide support to individual Friends, our Monthly Meetings, and the Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions. Some of the committees also directly advance Quaker values in the wider world. The committees listed here are working on Quaker programs, testimonies, and/or spiritual nurturance:
Youth and Young Adult Committees
Youth programs are a vital part of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting’s ministry. During Annual Sessions, the OVYM Youth Secretary, staff and volunteers provide age-appropriate programming for children (to age 10), middle youth (11 to 13) and teens (14-18).
The Middle Youth and Teen groups also have opportunities to meet throughout the year for various retreats and service projects.
For more information about our youth programs, contact the Youth Secretary (Adam Funck). Middle Youth and Teens can also connect on Facebook or Instagram.
Outreach Programs (started by Yearly Meeting members)
The Braddock Fund for Prison Ministry provides support for activities and projects for prison inmates that will promote their successful re-entry into their communities.
Friends Music Camp is a summer program for young people ages 10 to 17 that is committed to helping every camper grow musically and personally in a supportive environment.
Other Committees
These groups work to support our testimonies and our spiritual nurturance:
- Earthcare
- Peace and Social Concerns
- Religious Nurture and Education
- Planning
To view all committees (including those that do important organizational support and administration) and who is currently serving on each, you may also wish to visit the Our Organization page.
Volunteers strengthen the health and vibrancy of the Yearly Meeting. If there is a ministry or program in which you would like to participate, please let us know. Together we’ll find the right place for your talents, passions, and gifts.
Get Involved
Volunteers strengthen the health and vibrancy of the Yearly Meeting. If there is a ministry or program in which you would like to participate, please let us know. Together we’ll find the right place for your talents, passions, and gifts.
Financial Contributions
If you wish to make a financial contribution to the Yearly Meeting, please make your check payable to Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting and mail it to:
OVYM Treasurer
821 Dunore Road
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Questions about financial donations or bequests should be directed to the Treasurer.