The mission of the Braddock Fund is to provide support for activities and projects for prison inmates that will promote their successful reentry into their communities.
Brief History

Sara Underwood Braddock
The Braddock Trust was established following the 1990 death of Raymond Braddock, who had taught inmates at the Lebanon Correctional Institution from 1965 through 1970. Donations were received from family members and others. The Trust provided scholarships for qualified inmates to continue their education following release.
In 2015 the Trust was converted to a Fund under the care of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting, and its mission was expanded and policies were established.
The funds can be used to fund Scholarships for educational or vocational training for recently released inmates who apply while incarcerated, and who are recommended by prison staff.
The funds can be used to support courses, projects, and materials for inmate education and training within the prison setting.
The funds can provide financial support to individuals, to Monthly Meetings, and to Quaker or related organizations that are willing to carry out prison ministry to provide visitation, support, guidance, skills and education to prison inmates to prepare them for their release.
Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting appoints a committee of three persons, serving for three-year terms. This committee reports to the annual sessions of the Yearly Meeting.
The Braddock Fund Committee will receive grant requests and make the decisions on funding the proposed activities. They will follow up and evaluate the projects or activities funded.
The Braddock Fund Committee will work with the Yearly Meeting Treasurer to see that the monies of the Fund are invested responsibly and that the financial records are accurate.
Applications for grants will be accepted for the funding for scholarships, projects, and services in any of the prison facilities in or near the communities where the Monthly Meetings of the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting are located.
Grants may be requested by incarcerated individuals, prison staff, individual Quakers, Monthly Meetings, and Quaker or related organizations involved in prisoner education and rehabilitation.
Grant application forms and instructions can be downloaded from this page. Grants will be considered as they are received. Once a grant is made, periodic reporting is required. Grants of up to $3000 for one year may be requested, and renewal may be requested annually.
The Braddock Trust was initially funded by memorial gifts from the family of Raymond Braddock. Others have subsequently contributed to enlarge the fund.
The funds are invested under the care of the Yearly Meeting Treasurer in a socially responsible account, which is expected to grow.
Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Friends and all others are invited to donate to the Braddock Fund to keep funds available to support prison ministry.
Donations should be made payable to the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting, and designated for the Braddock Fund. They should be mailed to:
OVYM Treasurer
3960 Winding Way
Cincinnati OH 45229
Historically, Quakers have recognized prison ministry as an important need. Today there is especially a need to help prepare inmates for their return to a useful life in their communities, once their term has been served.
If you know of incarcerated individuals who are interested in furthering their education, you can encourage them to apply for funding.
If you are interested and willing to initiate and maintain a program within a prison to improve the success of incarcerated individuals, please submit a grant proposal.
If you know of others who are interested in doing prison ministry but are hampered by lack of funds to cover their expenses, please encourage them to apply.
If you have ideas of how this fund could be used for its highest purpose, please contact the Braddock Fund Committee through the OVYM office at:
3960 Winding Way
Cincinnati OH 45229
Or by email to the OVYM Secretary.