Financial Assistance to Attend OVYM Annual Sessions

What resources does OVYM provide for those needing financial assistance to attend Annual Sessions?

Firstly, children and youth are FREE. Young adults and first time attenders receive a 50% discount.

Additional support is provided for adults from any of our constituent monthly meetings:

  • Monthly Meetings

    All Friends are asked to seek support first from your local monthly meeting. Speak with the clerk or a trusted local Friend to find out if your meeting has funds to help those who wish to attend Quaker events.

  • Miami Fund

    Members and attenders of Miami Quarter monthly meetings may send a request for financial assistance to the Committee of Two (Cecilia Shore and Dylan Cahalan). A fund exists providing up to $250 of financial assistance for attendance at any Quaker event, with a limit of one grant per person per year.

    Include your Quaker affiliation, a brief introduction, and the event you wish to attend in your email to the Committee of Two. If you have already received support from this source during the current year, you may apply for assistance from the Yearly Meeting for Annual Sessions.

  • OVYM Benevolent Fund

    Finally, OVYM Friends from any of our constituent monthly meetings are eligible for financial support from the OVYM Benevolent Fund, which provides up to $250 of financial support for attendance at OVYM Annual Sessions.

    Applications should be completed by one of the following from your monthly meeting:

    • Presiding Clerk
    • Clerk of the Ministry and Oversight/Counsel Committee
    • Clerk of the committee that performs Ministry and Oversight/Counsel functions, if different from above
    Here is the form to apply.